Children of the Internet Party: SHARE ALL THE PHOTOS!

Ready to clean all the things! And celebrate all the Internet! At tonight's #memeparty
I’m still too drained for the amazing time I had this weekend attending Britney’s “children of the internet” birthday party. So I’m just going to dump a bunch of party photos here.

We all dressed up like internet memes. I had to pay homage to Hyperbole and a Half because I use “X all the Y” in a lot of my writing.

Scroll through and see how any other memes you can recognize…

Moss is here with the entire internet!

Moss is here with the entire internet!

1, 2, 3 wolf moon shirt!

1, 2, 3 wolf moon shirt!

There were also two "all the things!" girls.

There were also two “all the things!” girls.

I think the costume we saw the most of was "turtle kid" but this one was my favorite version.

I think the costume we saw the most of was “turtle kid” but this one was my favorite version.

Look at stuff isn't it neat? Eh, you've probably never heard of it.

Look at stuff isn’t it neat? Eh, you’ve probably never heard of it.

Bitches love sriracha.

Bitches love sriracha.

The Freddy Mercury post looks a lot like the "all the things" pose, huh?

The Freddy Mercury post looks a lot like the “all the things” pose, huh?

Eating all the burgers with Ken!

Eating all the burgers with Ken!

Joe doing "duck face" and wearing Aaron's The Bobcats sweatshirt.

Joe doing “duck face” and wearing Aaron’s The Bobcats sweatshirt.

Cats with freakin laser beams coming out of their eyes.

Cats with freakin laser beams coming out of their eyes.



This one's hard to tell what everyone was. It's just kind of a cute photo.

“Successful black man,” Mike, the guy I fake married that night (long story, very drunk), “Twitter,” and “AOL’s AIM.”

I happened to take these two pics in succession.

I happened to take these two pics in succession.

I have seen the depths of hell, and it is a Clippy who Rick Rolls you.

I have seen the depths of hell, and it is a Clippy who Rick Rolls you.

Matt's probably telling me to "stop all the downloading."

Matt’s probably telling me to “stop all the downloading.”

Even the toilet got in on the action.

Even the toilet got in on the action.


Even octipodes love old school Nintendo: VIP fun at the iam8bit art gallery


On being a bridesmaid: I’m so excited! I’m so excited! I’m so… scared.


  1. This is the most jealous of a party I have ever been. Or maybe ever will be.

    • You know, I watched my friends attend parties thrown by these people in that past with SUCH jealousy. Upon finally getting invited to one… it was everything I hoped it would be. Kind of like attending a geek convention, but with no panels and LOTS of alcohol.

      Now there’s talks of making this the meme party a yearly thing. Fingers crossed.

  2. This party wins the internet.

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