Author: Megan Finley Horowitz Page 1 of 43

I’m pregnant and I’m not-so-much excited as terrified


Like, really pregnant. Like due in the next few weeks. And I’m JUST getting my head around how to write about this huge life shift.

To answer your first question: Yes, it was a planned pregnancy. (Cue heads exploding.) We just knew that a kid was in our future, and it needed to happen sooner rather than later due to our respective ages and depleting energy levels.

To answer your next question:

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More snuggles, less struggles: How an old dog taught us something new

This was something I wrote for my friend’s new dog rescue, Blue Man Dog. I thought I’d re-post it here (on Father’s Day!) for the cuteness…

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A moment of honesty about my battle with suicidal thoughts

The news of Anthony Bourdain’s death really got to both me and Mike this morning. We spent some time, upon waking up to the news, lying in bed, feeling our feels, and processing it. That dude has a life that I would kill for — getting paid to travel the world and eat all the food! How could someone with a perfect life want to kill themselves? And then I realized that one could say the same about me…

The thought “I want to die” sometimes floats into my brain without me summoning it in any way. Just yesterday I sighed and thought “I just want to die” while I was walking from my bed to the bathroom.

Do I really want to die?

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A peak into the bedroom that our travels helped design

One of my most popular posts on this blog is the one about living with someone who owns their own house, because it’s hard to live in someone else’s space and feel any ownership over it. So my job, once I officially moved in, was to try to make the place feel more like my home. And the best way I knew how to do that was by re-decorating.

The very first thing I wanted to change was the bedroom. Because here’s what it looked like when I moved in:

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BRB, we’re dashing and dining

Hey y’all. Wow, this site has been quiet lately. I have some posts just chilling in the “Drafts” section over here, but haven’t had time to finish most of them becauuuuuuuse… we’ve been traveling so much!

Have you been following The Dash and Dine? If you haven’t, then you’ve pretty much been missing out on most of my Fun Life Stuff:

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The most wonderfully weird white elephant gifts you can’t help but love

I’ve always had a fun time finding the perfect gifts for people, but white elephant gifts were always my favorite. And, because my mind is always on the “perfect gift search,” I’ve amassed some amazing gift ideas.

These are my favorite white elephant gifts that are so weirdly wonderful you’ll both wonder why they exist at all, and also want to get one for yourself.

Just click on any of these products to learn more about them…

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#TheRedwoodWedding processional. Or, “how my ex helped me pull off my favorite wedding surprise”

I finally filled out my wedding profile for Offbeat Bride and it took forever because there was just SO MUCH TO WRITE ABOUT! This was something I didn’t really go into detail about on the profile, but I wanted to share here…

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Freaky Friday: New name, new site, who dis?

It’s fitting that on Friday the 13th I should wake up to, as Mike called it this morning, the first day of the rest of my life. It was my very own Freaky Friday…

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I went searching in The Funk archives for a post and stumbled upon an old draft (title included) containing a NSFW work conversation between Ariel and myself that I never published back in 2012. Maybe for obvious reasons? But I feel like it’s a good time to dust this one off and enjoy it…

Why now? Because, after almost a decade working for The Offbeat Empire (I started before it was a tongue-in-cheek Empire, just Offbeat Bride), I am finally leaving the loving arms of my boss and close friend Ariel Meadow Stallings.

The weird thing is, I don’t actually have any other job I’m switching to. It’s just that, after almost ten years, and only working part-time now, it felt like time to move on and see what else is out there for me.

It’s exciting, but mostly terrifying. I barely remember what life was like before The Empire. And the little I do remember, work-wise, was bleak. But then I remember that blogging wasn’t even a job when I was growing up. And I had no idea that my perfect career could even be a career when I graduated college. So who knows what will happen next, my next job may not even be A Thing yet.

Actually wait no, it’s mostly sad at this moment…

I’m wonderfully not leaving the Empire because of any negativity at all. In fact a large part of what was keeping me there was the fun social aspect. I’m sad that I’m not going to be involved with the hardcore community of Offbeat Empire readers, and that I’m going to miss out on ridiculous work conversations like this one that I never posted back in 2012:

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Our “Honest Trailers” wedding invitation

I showed you our wedding highlight video the other day, but I totally forgot to show you the wedding invitation video that kicked it all off!

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