Tag: social media

Bordom, bathrooms, and bewbs? How I’m learning to like Snapchat

snapchat filter weirdnessSo… I’m on Snapchat now.

Well, technically “again” — I downloaded it once before and then hated it so much that I deleted it.

But SO many people pressured me to get on The Snapchats recently — friends and co-workers. The strongest argument was from Ariel, who was all “You work on the Interwebs, gawdamnit, and this is a thing you should know about and use.”


But it just doesn’t feel like a great fit for me. I’m a collector, I’m a virtual hoarder, and I’m a frequent re-visiter. So the disappear-y-ness of Snapchat makes me sad. I also figured it was mostly a platform for horny folks to chat outside of their dating apps. But turns out… not just for bewbs and dickpicks…

Yesterday — when I was bored walking around Atwater Village, and frustrated while filing taxes, and then waiting in the Valley for Mike to finish a casting meeting — Snapchat was a nice distraction. I sort of live Snapped the day…

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In which I proceed to drink whiskey and talk about myself

Ken and me. Not pictured: lots of whiskey

Ken and me. Not pictured: lots of whiskey

Ever wanted to know more about me? Including how I got my job at Offbeat Bride, dating a rocket scientist, being friend-dumped on the trolley tracks at the Grove, how I became a “legitimate geek girl,” and what it was like growing up in LA… now you can! And it’s all on the episode of the Napzok Files that made former radio host Ken Napzok ditch his professional broadcasting standards.

Click here to listen to the podcast that made Aaron say “I won the World Series of Megan.” (Fun fact: I have barely any memory of the last 10 minutes of the show!)

We need to talk about 3D ultrasounds

This morning I woke up and did my usual waking up routine — check texts, check emails to make sure the Empire didn’t blow up overnight, then check social media feeds as I try to squeeze in the last few minutes of cuddly warm sheets time — when BAM! I was surprise blasted in the face with a horrible photo of a 3D ultrasound. (Not sure what I’m talking about? Peep this Google image search at your own risk.)

WHY Magic Woody Allen Zombie Jesus!? Why can’t a simple “I’m pregnant!” do? We can generally just take your word for it. We don’t need photographic evidence of said impregnation. Better yet, I’d love you even more if you didn’t pregbook at all. But you can totally just say “I’m pregnant” without forcing us to see every fetus wrinkle.

There’s nothing cute about those alien stomach monster photos, NOTHING. They’re creepy and horrifying, and a completely unsettling thing to see at 6am. (Seriously, my fingers could not hit the “hide” button fast enough.) I know I’m not the only one who believes 3D ultrasounds are awful. I first threw this fit on Twitter and got responses from followers, baby-havers and non, who agreed — calling them “creepy” and saying things like:

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Things. Are. Happening!


Since my days of private journaling I’ve had the habit of writing less when the most was going on in my life. I don’t know why that is. You’d think I’d be thrilled to write about all the things that are happening, as I finally had interesting shit to say. My theory is that, much like when Mark Twain was in Maui and expressed that he found it all just too beautiful to waste time writing about it, I just want to spend my time enjoying the moments as they are instead of worrying about how to recount the event.

That all being said… THINGS. ARE. HAPPENING! in my life. In a short amount of time I was:

Phew, that’s feels good to finally get off my to-do list. Originally ALL those things were going to be individual blog posts. But seeing as how, as I write this, I’m also having an IM conversation with Ariel about how there’s too much on my plate at the moment. It’s no surprise that my personal blog (and achievements) are getting swept aside. Things have definitely calmed down now… just in time for holiday madness to start!

Holidaaaay maaaaaadnessssssss…

A beautiful glimpse of New York via Facebook

The best part about being real life, as well as Facebook, friends with my favorite author is that I get to enjoy amazing status updates like this:

Now THAT is the way Faceboook status’ should be. WOW. I loved that little glimpse of New York so much I just have to save it here.

In other Hirshberg news, I got Ariel to read my favorite of his novels, The Snowman’s Children since it just became available on Kindle. I’ve read it now three times, and if you haven’t read it at least once, you should start reading it now.


Wanna hear something that really freaked me out on various levels? I was at a friend’s dinner party, drinking wine and immaturely making and munching down on mini cheese sandwiches out of the sliced baguette and fancy cheese plate when a friend of mine walked in. As she rounded the kitchen island, I noticed that she was, well, a LOT bigger than the last time I saw her… in the stomach area. Now, I’ve learned from being witness to many an awkward “‘how far along are you?’ ‘I’m not pregnant'” exchanges to just shut my mouth and not assume anything. But the mystery was solved when another friend said, “look what happened to her since you last saw her! A baby!”

And here’s what freaked me out:

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This is straight up REAL

So I got an email from another Flickr member, Madam Bizarro with the subject “stolen photo” which read:

Megan–you might wanna bust this guy.

[insert now defunct link to a photo in Lightko Studio‘s facebook portfolio]

Took one of your photos of Aaron’s bite and claimed it is his special effects make-up. Yeah, dude, I guess it DOES look real, since it IS.

And sure enough, I clicked over and saw this: (WARNING: If you don’t want to see the inside of my husband’s leg, do NOT read any further.)

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rooster twitter

Michelle gave me an idea… she wanted a facebook for Chalk Cock so that she too could see all the silly things that we have and will write on him in status updates. But I thought — isn’t that what Twitter is all about!? So…

Chalk Cock now has his own Twitter account! Follow him at @chalkcock
And if you’re not already, you can follow both me (@meganfinley) and by husband (@blackicing) on twitter as well.

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